personalized talent insights

Assessments as Unique as You

Only HighMatch directly aligns with your culture, roles and competencies to provide candidate insights that significantly boost employee retention and recruiter efficiency.

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They Trust HighMatch:

personalized insights

Your roles, culture and competencies are unique to your organization. How could a generic assessment possibly identify candidates who align with those qualities?

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Assessments as unique as…

your role

A lot of roles look the same on paper, but differ dramatically in real life.  

Your Culture

Your culture is unique to your organization; you need a unique solution to measure it.

Your competencies

You invested months defining your unique competencies, now measure those.

Personalization Matters

A fast, personalized assessment solution, delivered on a mobile-first platform and using your team’s terminology to describe candidates, can have a measurable impact on your most important metrics.

Completion Rates

A personalized assessment only measures what matters most, resulting in a faster assessment experience with 80%+ completion rates.

Turnover Rates

A personalized assessment screens out poor-fit candidates before you hire them, which can reduce your turnover by 20% or more.

Adoption Rates

HighMatch provides job-relevant insights using terms your hiring managers understand, which results in 90%+ assessment adoption rates.

Speed to Hire

A personalized, modular assessment solution delivered at key stages of the hiring cycle minimizes fallout and improves hiring speed.

recruiter efficiency

An assessment used to screen out poor fit applicants early on lets your recruiters focus on candidates with the most potential.

Cultural fit

Our I/O Psychologists get to know your culture and competencies and build a solution to identify those candidates who align best.

Collaboration enables personalization

Personalized assessments are based on a true collaboration between assessment experts, talent teams and managers. We work with your team to define the insights you need and the measures required to provide those insights.

Assessment Experts

Assessment Experts

I/O Psychologists provide research-backed insights into the qualities and skills required for success in the role and company culture.  

Talent Teams

Talent Teams

Talent Teams provide insight into the full funnel hiring process, overall corporate identity and aspirational company values.

Hiring Managers

Hiring Managers

Hiring Managers provide subject matter expertise on a role and their preferred language for describing qualities and skills.

All assessments are locally validated through our personalization process, ensuring they are relevant, accurate and predictive.

Real insights, real results

On average, HighMatch clients see:

Drop in
Early Turnover

In Recruiter

Hiring Team

Return on

Completion Rates

Ready to explore personalized assessments from HighMatch?

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