SHL: How to Invite a Candidate

By Michael Harbolt on June 23, 2022

How to Invite an Individual Candidate to Take an Assessment 

  1. Login to your account at
  2. Navigate to ‘Create Assessment’
  3. Under “Search modules’, type in the name of the assessment you want to send and select the name of the assessment

  1. On the next page, select ‘Save & Next”
  2. The next page will show the information captured from the candidate. Select ‘Save & Next’
  3. Under ‘Candidate Details’ select ‘Add Individuals’ and input candidate details. Once you input the user’s email address, Username and Password will auto-populate
  1. Select ‘Schedule’
  2. In the popup, review the information and select ‘Proceed’

How to Invite Multiple Candidates to Take an Assessment 

  1. Login to your account at
  2. Navigate to ‘Create Assessment’
  3. Under “Search modules’, type in the name of the assessment you want to send and select the name of the assessment
  1. On the next page, select ‘Save & Next’
  2. The next page will show the information captured from the candidate. Select ‘Save & Next’
  3. Under ‘Candidate Details’ select ‘Common Link’
  1. Choose a username and password for candidates to access the assessment, as well as the number of candidates that will take the assessment.
  2. Add the candidate’s email addresses under “Send Login Details to”
  3. Select “Schedule”
  4. In the popup, review the information and select ‘Proceed’