Insights at Every Stage

Get relevant insights at every stage of the hiring cycle with personalized assessment solutions built by workplace psychologists.

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They Trust HighMatch:

Relevant insights, when you need them

Rather than simply sending candidates a single, long assessment at a fixed point in time, what if you could get relevant candidate insights when they are most actionable?

With HighMatch’s personalized assessment solutions, you get relevant insights aligned to your needs at each stage of the hiring cycle, all personalized by workplace psychologists.

Highmatch products

Fast and flexible, every product is built to the latest standards in I-O psychology and is delivered on our state-of-the-art, mobile-first assessment platform with an intuitive and inclusive candidate experience.

HighMatch Screen


Easily automate applicant screening and scoring, filter candidates by response.

HighMatch Assess


Quickly identify candidates whose innate traits align with your unique roles and culture.

HighMatch Interview


Get a playbook for successful interviewing, leading to more meaningful conversations.

HighMatch Develop


Support development and succession plans through employee-friendly reports.

HighMatch Create


Combine our assessment expertise with your experience to build tailored assessments.

A platform for today’s workforce

HighMatch’s modern, powerful assessment platform was built to support the unique needs of larger organizations.

Our intuitive client dashboard offers candidate insights at a glance, inclusive of a single roll-up score alongside personalized competencies in your preferred language.

Our mobile candidate experience provides a fast, seamless and inclusive way to measure candidates against those competencies that matter most in your organization.

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HighMatch dashboards

HighMatch dashboards are highly personalized, from the competencies reported on to sections, measures, ranges and targets ~ even the look and feel can be tailored to your needs.

Features include:

  • Single Score: a single roll-up performance score
  • Custom Ranges: flexible, client-defined score ranges
  • Topic Scores: tailored topic scores for key sections
  • Answers Tab: easily review answers to questions
  • Action Tabs: email or call applicants with one click
  • Interview Guides: tailored question prompts
  • Development: recommendations for improvement

All content shown for each measure across all sections can be tailored to your needs, using your preferred language.

see a sample report

Science behind the assessments

HighMatch assessments are designed to measure individual differences in psychological traits, abilities, and skills, and have been built by I-O Psychologists according to the latest standards in the field.  

All assessments have undergone rigorous analysis, including multiple rounds of data collection to ensure validity, reliability and fairness across multiple device types, by a team of I-O Psychologists and Psychometricians.

Our Approach
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HighMatch Assessment Platform

HighMatch’s modern, mobile assessment platform delivers a fast, friendly and inclusive experience for candidates.

Features include:

  • SMS invitations and reminders
  • Embeddable video player
  • Customizable scoring and reporting
  • ATS integrations with all leading solutions
  • Conversational AI workflow integrations
  • ADA / WCAG-2 compliance for accessibility

A more inclusive candidate experience optimized for mobile leads to a more diverse candidate pool, higher completion rates and less abandonment. See it in action today!

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HighMatch Assessment Sample

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