Berke Assessment

Hiring Profiles

Predictive hiring profiles help you identify the best candidates.

Backed by science & Research

With more than 500 criterion-related validation studies, you can rely on Berke to provide an unbiased perspective.

Objective candidate data allows you to make smarter hiring decisions with less potential for bias.

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define success

To hire a great employee, it helps to know what success looks like.

A hiring profile defines the personality traits and problem solving abilities required to succeed.


be job specific

Each job at your company requires different skills, personality traits, and problem solving abilities.

With Berke, you can create a unique hiring profile for each position you need to fill.


score candidates

Traits selected for inclusion in a hiring profile are weighted. Traits weighted more heavily count more towards predicting job success.

This means that your candidates are always scored on how well they match up with your hiring profile.

three levels of customization

profile library

Choose from a library of more than 700 pre-defined, job-specific hiring profiles we’ve cultivated over time and use.

custom profiles

Create hiring profiles tailored to your company’s culture and to each open position you are looking to fill.

job benchmark analysis

Work with the Berke team to benchmark current employees and create a baseline to further enhance your hiring profiles.

replicate your top performers

Job Benchmark Study

Our extensive research shows that top performers in specific jobs often share certain core behaviors and talents. We also find they frequently have traits not found in middle or lower level performers.

The goal of a Job Benchmark Study is to answer two critical questions:

  • What traits do top performers in a particular job have in common?
  • What traits set top performers apart from their peers to make them unique?

how it works

Invite your team members in a specific job to complete the assessment and ask their managers to rate their job performance.

Berke’s research team statistically analyzes the data and identifies the traits that separate your top performers from everyone else.

The result is a finely tuned hiring profile that shows you who to hire next and who to avoid.

continuous improvement

Berke works with you to continually assess and modify your hiring profiles to make sure they reflect your current situation.

As you hire new employees and they establish a track record of performance, Berke can incorporate their data into your hiring models as well.

This way your hiring profiles continue to improve over time.

Ready to get started?  Schedule a demo today.

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