Accessing a Participant’s Assessment Report

By Will on April 30, 2024

How to find and access a participant’s assessment report.

  1. Login to your HighMatch account.
  2. Select the Participants tab on the left-hand side of the screen.
  1. Select the participant’s name whose report you wish to access.
  1. Here you can see a brief overview of information about each assessment.
  1. Assessment” lists the assessment’s name.
  2. Created” marks the date on which the participant received an invitation to take the assessment.
  3. Status” marks the current state the assessment is in.
    • Status: “Created” – the participant has been invited to take the assessment but has not opened the assessment.
    • Status: “Started” – the participant has opened the assessment.
    • Status: “Preferred” – the participant completed the assessment and achieved a high score.
    • Status: “Review” – the participant completed the assessment and achieved a mid-range score.
    • Status: “Caution” – the participant completed the assessment and achieved a low score.
      • Note: Companies can personalize each status category’s name and score range to their preference. The names Preferred, Review and Caution shown in the examples are the default names and may differ for your account.
  4. Completed” marks the date on which the participant completed the assessment.
  5. Score” represents the overall score achieved by the participant on the assessment.
  1. To access the specifics of an assessment report, click the Show Report button next to the report you wish to review. 

Tips & Tricks

  • A search bar is available to use to search a participant’s name if needed.
  • Users accounts can click the My Participants toggle button on or off to switch between the participants assigned to them (on) or all participants (off) in the account.

For more information on how to understand the different types of assessment reports, please see the following articles: