Insights into HighMatch’s Demographic Survey

By Will on May 3, 2024

HighMatch has a long commitment to developing valid tests for assessing job-related abilities, skills, and traits. To ensure that our research approach adheres to the standards outlined in the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (UGESP; EEOC, 1978), we regularly conduct assessment development and validation research, which requires the collection of demographic data. We invite all test takers to voluntarily report their gender, ethnicity/race, education, and age.

Why is HighMatch collecting this data?

HighMatch collects this data to ensure the fairness of all our assessments. Additionally, the data may contribute to academic research aimed at continually improving our services. The information will remain confidential and will not be used for any other purposes beyond those stated. Only members of HighMatch’s Assessment Team will have access to the collected information.

How does it work?

Following the assessment completion, participants can voluntarily offer the following demographic information: gender, ethnicity/race, education, and age. All questions are optional, and response options are diverse and inclusive. The participants will be assured that the answers they provide will not affect scoring in any way and collection and analysis of this data is done in accordance with the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (UGESP; EEOC, 1978).

How will this affect the process of my Compass assessment?

The demographic data will remain confidential and will not be accessible to the employer. All existing procedures and reports will stay unchanged. Our analysis indicates that answering the demographics questions takes less than a minute. Choosing not to respond to these questions will not affect an employee’s assessment. The collected information does not influence the scoring process in any way.

Can my business opt-out?

Yes. Please contact our Success team at to disable this feature.